The mail plugin causes problems when sending emails in bulk. I use AWS SES and have already adjusted the limits, so AWS should not throw any errors here. However, I still receive smtp errors. It seems…
The PHPSESSID is changed on every axios request, i forced credentials by setting withCredentials to true in axios options to add session cookie in request headers but in preflight requests (request of…
Base::mset(): Argument #1 ($vars) must be of type array, int given, called in /var/www/html/phproject/index.php on line 28 [/var/www/html/phproject/vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/base.php:577]
php vers…
Hi ;
The `BETWEEN` operator doesn't seem to work in a `has()` relation filter :
$entity->has("service", ["date BETWEEN ? AND ?", "2024-02-01", "2024-02-29"]); // error
After using `pecl install redis` to update php-redis to version 5.3.1, a 500 error occurred when accessing the map. Also found in the error log of nginx
`2020/08/24 15:29:50 [error] 7296#7296: *35545…
Server: CentOS 7
PHP 7.4.33
SQLite version 3.7.17
Cli & Apache mode all trigger it.
vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/db/sql.php:268 report this error.
I insert a var_dump($cmd) in line 183.
currently local build of docker image is not working, so we have to use the old docker hub image
This is a followup of #214.
When defining a route like `GET /explorer/@path`: should encoded slashes be allowed inside `@path` or not?
E.g: `/explorer/abc%2fdef`.
* encoded slash…
It makes little sense to use relative numbers where 1.0 represents the worst framework tested. Instead, the best case (either the fastest framework or preferably no framework at all, see https://githu…
motin updated
7 years ago
Re. [Multiple-site support](http://processwire.com/api/modules/multi-site-support/): My ProcessWire sites are hosted in an environment where I can administer multiple websites (one folder per site). I…
klor updated
10 years ago