I was using anaconda 5.0.1 on a windows 10 machine.
The command
conda install -y -c conda-forge -c floydhub floyd-cli
resulted in the following error:
ERROR conda.core.link:_execute_action…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Hi @alirezadir. Firstly, thank you very much for putting this together. Really awesome! In this issue, I would like to take the opportunity of suggesting a few tools/platforms with which I have worked…
# neuralart based torch Dockerfile #
# Alpine-based #
FROM floydhub/dl-docker:cpu
MAINTAINER wanghaisheng
RUN cd /tmp && \
git …
I opened jupyter notebook and openend the HTML.ipynb
I clicked on Cells>Run all
I waited for a while and then I got this result:
If this can help I also got this m…
Hi. Thanks for this great project. I am using floydhub to replicate results of this project. In step 2 of training variational autoencoder to calculate vectors in latent variable space after running t…
Can the dataset-generator work? and how? I hope to produce some dataset containing more html tags
Вроде про виртуальные машины пока нигде не нашла в оглавлении, но это же круто, когда все уже сконфигурировано :)
Sorry, just want to know how to run the code in python/pytorch.
Is this line of code in this notebook name`preproc-embeddings-fasttext.ipynb` reading a folder name fasttext ? `FASTTEXT_EXECUTABLE = './fasttext'`?
For some reason I keep getting a error there…