Would the new version (1.5.1) maybe justify a new tag / release?
Good Day,
Is it possible to implement a digital signature and upload it as a container?
First, Many thanks for your tool. I'm not a developper and I can simply use it for data publication from FM on a website.
But, since few days, I've this error when I open the connection to FM with f…
Thanks for this great php class. I've tweaked it to work with webhooks wherein it stores the session token to a text file on the server rather than a variable in the client's browser (since th…
Hello, I'm getting this error when trying to login using the `Server` class:
fmrest.exceptions.FileMakerError: FileMaker Server returned error 212, Authorization header 'Basic' invalid.
Hello! This may not be an issue w/ python-fmrest specifically but I get an error running on Windows Server 2016:
fmrest.exceptions.RequestException: Request error:
Max retries exceeded with url: /…
Hey there, I am using your fmRest API since a while and everything works great thanks! However, when I try to use findRecords, I always get this error: Resource doesn't support the specified HTTP verb…
Hello there!
Thanks again for this fantastic library.
I am experiencing a odd situation, two seemingly similar `find()` yield different data against a self-hosted instance:
quote_id = ''
Hey there!
Thanks for this lovely package, I am doing testing to try update a FileMaker table with it, the steps I am following are:
1) Get desired `record`.
2) Loop through all the records **wit…