**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Go to structure library, in "3D Templates" list - select the first item "fullerene C60", click on it and add to canvas
2. Click on "3D Viewer" button in the top panel
**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Open CDX file from ChemDraw (Fullerene and 3D molecules)
2. Ketcher Mvie…
Could you please disclose the checkpoint and index details of ```http://index.contextual.ai:8893/api/search```?
I tried to use [pre-trained ColBERTv2 checkpoint](https://downloads.cs.stanford.edu/…
**Steps to Reproduce**
1. import 3D mol file'
2. Click on 3D view
3. View structure
**Actual behavior**
3d mol files appear as 2D in Miew
**Expected behavior**
#D appeared with 3D mol file i…
**Environment details (please complete the following information):**
- Indigo Toolkit Version 1.18.0-dev.4+1452.0-gaf1efce67-x86_64-linux-gnu-11.4.0
- Ketcher Version 2.18.0+dev.1 Build at 2024-0…
Please open this jscad.app [24250 byte data uri script](https://jscad.app/#data:text/plain;base64,Y29uc3QganNjYWQgPSByZXF1aXJlKCdAanNjYWQvbW9kZWxpbmcnKQpjb25zdCB7IGNvbG9yaXplIH0gPSBqc2NhZC5jb2xvcnMKY2…
Dear Developers,
Please tell me what the usual problem is with this? I got the same type of error using both mpirun and srun. Trying to start gap_fit training. Last year I used 4 nodes with 6…
## 🚀 Feature
Support the [safetensors](https://github.com/huggingface/safetensors) format
## Motivation
Quite a few models (especially ones quantized via AutoGPTQ) are distributed in .safetensors…
### Description of the bug/crash
Enable no manual delivery: super coolant production cannot continue as petroleum delivery is halted.
### Steps To Reproduce
Auto sweeper delivers fullerene and gold…