Right now Ada can actually manipulate the program while riding on the grue, by inscribing new sigils, expunging old ones, or by taking, dropping, or flipping the Free Buls. It would only really apply …
le regole non vengono recepite perchè all'interno della struttura del file DMN per la scheda P7_2 c'è un incongruenza.
La stessa era stata segnalata con una issue #1765, relativo al Changel…
>The algorithmic description of same-line wrapping can be described as
*backtrack wrapping*. It is more of interest to Funge interpreter
implementers than Funge programmers. However, it does describ…
By my count its been over 2 years since the last hole in the Art category was added. Proposing a hole for drawing a hexagonal spiral. It could require drawing multiple spirals of different sizes like …
[The README](https://github.com/catseye/Flobnar#introspection-and-self-modification) states without explanation that
| 0
| 5 p <
| 0 +@
| g <
| 0
= Result: 5
and als…
The [program flow](https://github.com/catseye/Funge-98/blob/master/doc/funge98.markdown#direction-changing) section states that `h` is delta
Not sure what's the right way to do it yet.
Release 1.2, I motori di ricerca non sono validi, almeno a me dice che non sono validi, Release 1.1 e 1.0 tutto ok. Grazie per il lavoro.
-https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/355441988364926999/356185927673970688/Immagine.png Il fiore cerchiato funge da blocco e non si può passare
-Finite le ball si possono continuare ad usare dalla…
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