when running v5.3 (release, plain, default config), the following stacktrace is visible during startup:
2021-07-05 12:20:43,534 [main] ERROR (Configuration.java [lookupModuleClass]:503) - Mo…
exist-exec should execute queries in an existdb instance and the result should go to standard out
The query can be provided as a positional argument:
$ exist-exec '1 to 9'
1 2 3 4 5 6 …
~/Documents/gits/fusion-studio-extension/ [circleci-project-setup] wget https://www.fusiondb.com/download/fusion-studio-api-1.2.0.xar
--2021-04-20 09:04:24-- https://www.fusiond…
and / or automate the upload to `https://www.fusiondb.com/download/`
Or even better drop Env variables all together, there is no reason to require the same info once as ENV variable and then again as system variable.
[the source of much troubble](https://github.com…
- [x] Memory/Resource leak in XQuery Context Variables of Library Modules\* - https://github.com/eXist-db/exist/pull/3897
- [ ] Maps\* - a follow-on PR just for 5.3.0 to https://github.com/eXist-db/e…
Hi there,
I am following your instructions here https://github.com/eeditiones/tei-publisher-app/blob/master/webtest/README.md to try and build and run the integration tests.
I am on macOS Catali…
I compared the presence of all (w3c defined) functions in eXist-db with [the spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/REC-xpath-functions-31-20170321/function-catalog.xml); I found a few yet missing functions…
* FusionDB 1.0.0-ALPHA2
* Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
1. Install FusionDB as a service.
2. Either:
1. Stop FusionDB using the Windows Service manager
2. Terminate the Apache Commons…
As reported to me:
"I’ve been using the Docker instance for two weeks now, quite successfully. However, please note the transcript below – the WeakLazyStripes part. This happened a number of days a…