Is there a way to add Galileo support? Or is there a patch for the tools? Because the NLD team integrated it into its apk?
thank you
### Describe the bug
Certain games like DOOM Eternal are able to switch a Bluetooth audio device to the HSP or HFP modes which has a tendency to cause issues with audio quality taking a very severe…
Compiling for Intel Galileo, Edison or Arduino 101 fails:
E:\Stuff\misc\electronics\arduino\libraries\EtherEvent/EtherEvent.h:8:25: fatal error: avr/dtostrf.h: No such file or directory
I'm trying to install this module on Intel Galileo.
I've installed johnny-five, galileo-io, node-red-contrib-gpio with npm.
New nodes doesn't show in node-red editor. What am I doind wrong?
Spotted this with https://github.com/Galileo-Galilei/kedro-mlflow `kedro_mlflow.io.models.MlflowModelTrackingDataset`
Not sure if this should be fixed on the extension or on the schema.
Good evening,
First of all, thank you very much for the current design, I'm building it currently and are quite impressed.
The Voron Team did just release a new toolhead assembly, do you have any pl…
Does any of the provided images support Arduino IDE? If not, is it possible to build an image on Ostro that supports Arduino?
I'm using a similar project: https://github.com/rwaldron/galileo-io just wanted to make sure you were aware of ricks work.
Galileo shows up with good signal strength but never is marked as 'used'.
Rasised this [issue](https://forums.quectel.com/t/l76-l-not-showing-galileo-as-used/30229) with Quectel, but to no avail.
why did you use pthread instead of main loop ?
Did you modify something on OSC arduino lib ?
Good job,