In the Java engine, if the language has an xtext representation, when clicking on the Debug Stack view, the xtext editor opens at the line involved by the instruction. The line is also highlighted.
The logos of the GEMOC Studio/Initiative currently used by the website are deprecated and should be replaced by the new ones.
I'll soon submit a PR to address the issue.
Currently, a GEMOC breakpoint (`org.gemoc.executionframework.engine.ui.debug.breakpoint.GemocBreakpoint`) on a model element can be declared to:
- pause when an MSE occurrence starts that targets th…
When generating an ALE behavior file from an ecore file in the GEMOC Studio, the default package used by ALE is the root package from the ecore meta-model.
As a consequence, there is an issue with …
_From @valdemarneto on February 2, 2016 14:1_
Hi all.
I am running your tutorial of Marked Graph using Windows 7, Java 8, GEMOC Studio 2.0.1.
I had already runned it and it worked in a precendent ve…
from https://gforge.inria.fr/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=19515&group_id=4645&atid=13885
> Permission issue when two models conforming the same language are executed at same time
> When two mode…
When creating a RunConfiguration 'Gemoc Sequential eXecutable Model' without animation, the engine load a model without caring about the MelangeURI (like '?lang=MyLanguage' )
Seems caused by:
Calling reconcile on Brew genmodel file trigger a build, which call the genmodel generation, which trigger a build ... infinite build loop.
Tried a few stopping criteria, nothing seems to work as e…
it seems that Melange has issue for some ecore when they used some names such as "testMM_Foo.ecore".
for such ecore, the warning about "Cannot find EMF runtime for ..." is never fixed even if the c…
Some official example are still in this repository even after https://github.com/eclipse/gemoc-studio-modeldebugging/pull/147
Keeping example in the main repo would make sense only if the example i…