## 公告
1. 非常欢迎你对飞桨框架做贡献,我们正在运营一个组织——飞桨框架贡献者俱乐部([Paddle Framework Contributor Club, PFCC](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/community/tree/master/pfcc)),会通过定期分享技术知识与发布开发者主导任务的形式持续为飞桨框架做贡献。如果你有意向加入 PFCC,可…
Hi, I tried your package on ICLR2023 with the keyword "disentangling" but the paper "Continual Unsupervised Disentangling of Self-Organizing Representations" is not returned, which seems wrong. The pa…
## 公告
- 如果你是在校的学生,并且有兴趣参加飞桨社区的远程实习项目,非常欢迎你依据这份材料来申请远程实习:[百度飞桨框架实习计划](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/community/blob/master/contributors/paddle_contributor_remote_intern_program.pdf)。我们会在3月3日晚上19点,举…
# 【PaddlePaddle Hackathon 4】模型套件开源贡献任务合集
(此 ISSUE 为 PaddlePaddle Hackathon 第四期活动的任务 ISSUE,更多详见 [【PaddlePaddle Hackathon 第四期】任务总览](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/50629))
注:开发请参考 [贡…
Accidentally saw this repo. A really nice one to help gain a comprehensive understanding of the 3D generation field!
Here are some latest 3D-aware gan papers that could be potentially added to this…
Example: https://mila.quebec/en/publications/
It would be nice to reuse the same code as in the Mila website. Not sure if that's 'easily' possible via RTD
Hi, thanks for your work and released code! Could you share the correct outward-facing faces so that we can train from scratch?
* AI News
* Conference
* ICML 2021 rebuttal
* ACL 2021 rebuttal
* …