**Description**: Build a simple dice roller that generates random numbers between 1 and 6 (or other dice sizes like 20-sided dice for games). The user can click a button to roll the dice and see the…
Is there any interest in using a static site generator (e.g. Eleventy, Jekyll) to allow general layout changes to happen easier? Or is the current html system intentional/preferred?
It'd be really valuable to add a `--skip-assets` option to the `InstallGenerator`. This option [exists in Blacklight core](https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight/blob/main/lib/generators/blac…
Using the details loaded for skills, provide some code that will render a skill tooltip.
$ cat test.js
function* a() {
for (var x of yield y)
$ node test.js
$ qjs test.js
InternalError: stack underflow (op=111, pc=9)
FWIW, bellard/quickjs exhibits the same …
I have espaloma installed, but I haven't been able to use it as an option for small_molecule_forcefield in a SystemGenerator.
`system_generator = SystemGenerator(
Trajectory Generator je trieda, ktora dostava prikazy z konfiguracneho suboru, a generuje z nich trajektorie pre dron. Zatial na zaciatku bude obsahovat len zakladne trajektorie ako let po kruznice al…
### Description
Add random gradient generator project
Implement a random gradient generator that allows users to create and preview gradients. The generator should support linear and radial gradient…
The PMO needs a standby generator to alleviate frequent power outages at Celestial park
This difference leads an ugly workaround on sample generator.
Fixing it here might not be worthy, creating this issue to track the issue.
In typespec input, models are created by `ModelProvid…