* Daniele Ferdani, Emanuel Demetrescu, Marco Cavalieri, Gloriana Pace, Sara Lenzi. 2019. “3D Modelling and Visualization in Field Archaeology. From Survey To Interpretation Of The Past Using Digital T…
I am currently working on a one-dimensional, two-layered seismic model using SPECfem2D and encountering some issues. Despite verifying that all parameters in the model are correctly set, the results I…
# Section by Section
## Subheading
- [x] Add USGS full name to subheading
> Adrienne says: Post wildfire, burned landscapes respond to rain as though they are covered in plastic wrap . U.S. Geolo…
### Version Control!
**NB:** [Always edit this document as the master](https://doimspp-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ebechtel_contractor_usgs_gov/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B87f6a2d8-93a2-…
There can be old files in the s3 bcuket. need to delete them
#### Description
Hello, I am new to python. I am trying to use the SSA decomposition method for rainfall prediction with a dataset of 21500 rows and 5 columns (21500, 5).
I used the source codes bel…
Here is our proposal for a CTV on Archaeological Science. We have organised the proposal into the sections requested in the instructions (scope, packages, overlap, maintainers):
## 1.3AU
A near-Earth object (NEO) is any small Solar System body whose orbit can bring it into proximity with Earth. By convention, a Solar System body is a NEO if its closest approach to the Sun …
Stargen Fake accretion process.
The other day I was looking at some of the Stargen code. I was looking for the file(s) that refer to the elements that are used in the accretion process, because the o…
Post questions about the following orienting reading:
Kozlowski, Austin, Matt Taddy, James Evans. 2019. “[The Geometry of Culture: Analyzing the Meanings of Class through Word Embeddings](https://j…