updating mordecai to 2.1.0 and dependencies:
tensorflow to 2.3.0
spacy to 2.3.2
keras to 2.4.3
Our geocoding processing now is much slower as we've started to observe lots of errors printi…
I get the following error when initializing the Geoparser:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/Users/ZhendongLiu/Desktop/CSC440/Project/mordecai-env/lib/python…
Hello! I was working through the installation steps when I ran into a problem with `geo = Geoparser()`. It isn't able to establish a connection with elasticsearch, though Docker Desktop tells me elast…
I am having issues with running Mordecai Geoparser() on my windows machine and am wondering if it could run in google colab environment?
### Describe the bug
First of all, this is an amazing framework and I'm actively working on porting my notebooks to it. Congrats and thank you for this incredible contribution to the community.
**Describe the bug**
Can't import this library on jupyter-notebook and jupyter-lab, not even in python by console.
**To Reproduce**
`pip install -U dash_bio`
`import dash_bio`
**Python versio…
## Idea
[GEOquery](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/GEOquery.html) can be used to easily load microarray-based studies from GEO.
This data can be easily incorporated into Reac…
When I try the sample text ("I visited Alexanderplatz in Berlin.") the only output I get is:
2023-04-19 12:06:28,293 elasticsearch INFO GET http://localhost:9200/ [status:200 request:2.058s]
This should eliminate the need for anything ESRI and we can go with a Node - postgres/postGIS solution.