Today, I had an exciting meeting with [Adamantios Koumpis](https://dbis.rwth-aachen.de/dbis/index.php/user/yj335640/) and @sawelt from the [PADME](https://websites.fraunhofer.de/PersonalHealthTrain/) …
A few weeks ago we started seeing these notices from Google CLoud
Dear Developer,
Our systems identified that your Google Cloud Platform / API Project ID
pangeo (id: pangeo-181919) may have bee…
Google cloud credits are ending at the end of this month. Some tasks to track dealing with this:
- [x] https://github.com/jupyterhub/team-compass/issues/646
- Decide if this is enough funds to ke…
### Bug description
Binder instance files to load.
### How to reproduce
When [trying to launch](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/hannorein/rebound/main) a binder instance of the [rebound reposi…
https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/KATRIN-Experiment/KassiopeiaBinder/HEAD takes very long to launch and when it uses OVH, it frequently fails to launch when pulling the already-built image. The image is rath…
2xB updated
10 months ago
poskušale smo aplikacijo objaviti na spletu s pomočjo spletne storitve Binder, sledile smo navodilom, ki so na spletni učilnici, ampak ne dela. Prosile bi za pomoč.
Hvala in lep pozd…
Goal: I am creating a base image for various hubs I will be setting up. Set-up needs to match other likely hub images that users might use (so common default JupyterHub images) and images should also …
I do not know if you accept this kind of requests, but I would like to know if it is possible to ask for an extension of the user sessions during a class?
My motivation for asking tha…
In this example of [Comparing line-of-sight CO2 with experiments](https://github.com/radis/radis-lab/blob/main/examples/co2-4080-4500nm/co2-4080-4500.ipynb), executed by a https://notebooks.gesis.org/…
Projekt je skoraj končan, manjkajo le še manjši popravki. Pri poganjanju binderja se pojavi napaka "Could not find path: proxy/8080". Prosiva za pomoč pri odpravi težave (poskusili sva rešiti vse znan…