Since this is ~4 years old, maybe it is time to try and rewrite the code to be smaller, then possibly golfing the code in different languages like Python, Perl and others.
scala 2.12.4 typechecker crashes when trying to run the following script with "scala script.scala":
import scala.language.higherKinds
class Foo[X]
class Bar[X]
class CrashI…
[This is my first issue, sorry if it's really bad]
Should the Quine hole accept error output from language interpreters/compilers as valid output? If it did, then the following would be a valid Qui…
At the start of the month, a new hole appears. At the start of the next month no more entries are allowed and all solutions to the hole become visible to the public and the cycle continues.
I think…
prplz updated
2 years ago
Use something like `'float':Mantissa:Exponent` to represent floats in the transpiler and built-ins, so that we can apply constraints on the mantissa and exponent of a floating point number.
This coul…
Would be more interesting if we had more Math functions injected...
var A = Math.abs;
var S = Math.sqrt;
var G = Math.sign;
var r = Math.random;
and maybe even:
var d =…
Follow-up on #171
Kata: [Validate Sudoku with size `NxN`](https://www.codewars.com/kata/540afbe2dc9f615d5e000425)
- 4 kyu
- A bit generalized version with allowed sizes other than 9x9
I'm working on [a clean-sheet rewrite of Pyth](https://github.com/orlp/pyth5) (calling it Pyth 5 for now). Things I'm working on are:
- A totally rewritten interpreter that uses a cleaner lexer/parser…
as of right now, http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62799/46787 is too big. I found that many times, I had to put spaces where spaces should not have been needed.
We use this formula to compute overall score of a golfer:
score(g) = \sum_{h\in H} \max_{l\in L} score(g, h, l) \\
= |H|\cdot \underset{h\in H}{\textup{avg}} \max_{l\in L} score(…
btnlq updated
3 months ago