I use Google Map API 3.16.
So i could use panControl, panControlOptions, zoomControl, zoomControlOptions.
more Infos: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/control-po…
Uploading GoMap Offline Download-540p30.mov…
I am mapping the remote Dalton Highway in Alaska, which does not have cell connectivity for much of its length.
Unfortunately, the prepare for of…
Inspired by a presentation on a German OSM(…) conference ([YouTube, Audio in German](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIBi2aD-4n0)), I looked at https://addresses.lorenz.lu/oad_dach/countries which is …
I can't find how to add a google map style in goMap function ?
In google map API you can set styles in your options
``` javascript
varposition = new google.maps.LatLng(50.9406645, 6.9599115);
In the same way the iD editor has become the 'default' editor on the homepage, can we make a banner when the browser's user agent is detected as mobile safari: https://developer.apple.com/library/saf…
Can i put address & coords together or seperated in the code?
Example : $(function() {
address:'Québec, Quebec',
latitude: 56.948813,
The next will be the first release with external code contributions.
I wonder, if and how this should be communicated.
For example:
a. Maybe extend the "Credits" page with something like
> Thank…
The example program at https://github.com/masatana/go-textdistance does not go2hx correctly.
package main
import (
func main() {
### Description
Could you please consider to implement a "Copy and Paste" feature, that allow to copy the attributes (Tags) of any given element and be pasted in another similar element without all t…