I've noticed https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go-apiv2/blob/main/google/rpc/status.pb.go is new relative to the prior fabric-protos-go. Does anybody know the origin of this new message? Is…
so i'm well aware that a python client exists for Google Maps package. im toying around with find_place() function on python and i noticed that you have one of the parameters "location_bias" existing …
Following code is working:
``` javascript
const predictions = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => {
const service = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
#### Environment details
Library version: 2.1.2
#### Code example
PlacesApi.placeAutocomplete(someContext, "Zurich", new PlaceAutocompleteRequest.SessionToken())
Steps to reproduce:
1. setup the firebase extension with indexable fields
- in my example that was id,displayName,editorialSummary,formattedAddress,types,location
3. update the extension adding new…
I would like to request the addition of "SNI" (Server Name Indication) and "Address" fields to the subscription addition interface, alongside the existing profile link an…
Through the Google API (#6), we will access the Google Places API of the Google Maps Platform:
- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/overview
Some modules recommend to get API for ios and android and some for web services.
Investigating which one will work.
- [web services](https://developers.google.com/places/)
- [api key](https:…
- which product (packages/*): packages/google-maps-places
- Node.js version: 21.7.2
- npm version: 10.6.0
- google-cloud-node version:Place2 1.6.0
#### Steps to reproduce
Places service needs to be able to accept the optional parameters that the Google Places API supports.