Copy & Paste the following format and comment below with your vehicle suggestions.
Please make sure to include screenshots of the vehicle in question!
[**Before submitting, make sure your v…
Hey! The mod is working perfectly in FiveM, with a nice increase in FPS. Sadly, if I try to use ENB with FSR on FiveM, the ENB won't be activated.
I changed the PROXY section in my _gta5_fsr.ini_ …
`[ c-scripting-core] Creating script environments for tokovoip_script
[ c-scripting-core] InvokeNative: execution failed: Argument at index 1 was null.
[script:tokovoip_scri] Error loading scr…
Let's figure out how to make the characters phone a part of this mod. Maybe for navigation purposes or to access the websites.
It could be cool if we can make a app for this to use on the phone.
Hello, my FSR work or not ? i have sa strange message :/
Could you potentially add a Modifier Key Option?
### Problem
So gta v is unplayable on ultrawide fullscreen and some ui elements are to compressed on windowed mode
### Solution
Add a way to make either fullscreen ultrawide work fine
### Reason
On some cars that I want to appear, it stays 5 seconds and disappears