particularly essays, but could also try entries
using Amazon Polly, Google Text to Speech...
see gTTS-cli https://gtts.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli.html for generating files...
I get this error during pip install in cmd:
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting git+https://github.com/Vuizur/tatoeba-to-anki
Cloning https:…
Hello @HenryHengZJ , could you please add a feature to use the OpenAI Text-to-Speech API? Flowise already has speech-to-text, so adding a text-to-speech feature to the Flowise application would be ver…
i just followed the steps of the installation and everything is going well, it says it's listening but the probleme is i want GTTS to analyse my language as french i changed everything to french in th…
## 詳細
## 候補
- [ElevenLabs](https://elevenlabs.io/text-to-speech):人間に近い音声合成が可能であり高速。APIも叩けるが[無料プラン](https://elevenlabs.io/pricing)だと10分/月までしか使用…
## Prerequisites
* [x] Did you make sure a similar [issue](../) didn't exist?
* [x] Did you update gTTS to the latest? (`pip install --upgrade gTTS`)
## Proposed Behaviour
I suggest adding a fea…
Since 19 Sep 2018, google_home_speech fails with AttributeError in my environment.
``` - - [27/Sep/2018 06:45:35] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
I haven't had a chance to test other features of this library, but "say" seems to no longer work. I believe it may be due to the API changes around gTTS. It seems like gTTS-token is now deprecated a…
## Prerequisites
* [*] Did you make sure a similar [issue](../) didn't exist?
* [*] Did you update gTTS to the latest? (`pip install --upgrade gTTS`)
## Current Behaviour (steps to reproduce)
# torchaudio.save(tmpfile, torch.from_numpy(wavs[0]).unsqueeze(0), 24000)