It was reported that support for 0-RTT has an interoperability issue (tested against OpenSSL and Haskel TLS). We do have tests for 0-RTT, but they may not cover functionality completely .
To be inv…
I'm missing week numbers. This is almost the perfetk `cal` layout for me, aside of that.
EDIT: just had a look and no, I can't do a PR as Haskel is still beyond me, as it ever was. :)
If I am within a Stack project which doesn't has intero installed VS Code gets super slow. By default Haskelly should disable code completion if intero isn't installed + give a warning + Maybe (offer…
I would like to integrate Haskelly extension to apply all its features for TidalCycles library (`cabal install tidal`).
Can't see type hover popovers, neither code autocomplete. I come from Python wo…
I'm using the latest version installed using the haskel platform download on a windows 32 bit.
Trying `stack build` i ge the following mesage : `Continue despite missin tool: msys2 ` and build fail…
Currently we perform some simplification of equivalence conditions in the verifier itself, as well as some additional simplification/rewriting in the Binary Ninja plugin to improve the presentation fo…
> Greenclip is a simple clipboard manager to be integrated with rofi.
It works with fzf, dmenu and wofi too. The only problem is that it needs [haskelstack](ht…
Our Jenkins builds approach is the use one job per Git repository and to have option to run it on every branch.
Need an option to display all jobs while showing only the last build from speci…
Not sure if adding type hover for function definitions would be an enhacement for this extension, or if there is a guide to integrate Haskelly extension to apply all its features for Tidal library.