Hi @fsaris, thank you very much for this component! I've since the beginning wanted to have a more reliable solution than the Home Assistant integration.
I have an `esp32-c6-devkitc-1` board and wa…
There are some issues running the notched-cylinder problem with Schwarz:
1.) When using a relatively coarse mesh of the two subdomains (see
Partitioning the attached mesh and model with global zoltan/parmetis produces a large entity imbalance. The pumi RIB parti…
Sometimes I experience silent failures with assembling matrices on gpus with full assembly, mainly 3D tet meshes for me.
The root is `MaxNbNbr` in `ElementRestriction`, and how it gets used in `Ele…
Add functionality to read a mixed topology mesh (e.g. triangle + quad, hex+prism+pyramid+tet) from file.
- file format? VTK, XDMF, ADIOS2
Use this ticket to point to UGRID datasets to be used for development and testing.
triangle mesh
- [x] FVCOM (velocity components on faces, all other data on nodes)
- [x] ADCIRC (all data on no…
I have had success in completing Mesh DFU's when using the pre-compiled hex files provided in the test folder of the bootloader as described in the Mesh-DFU quickstart [document.](https://github.com/N…
Once you have a lot of editor hexes, probably more than a couple of hundred, the game slows down a little bit. I saw in Godot that there's a mesh instancing support so it would be interesting to inves…
On the left is braid mixed 3d with normals plotted in visit. On the right is braid hexes 3d with norma…
Hi @jorgensd,
Very cool work with the mpc. I appreciate the contribution. It's not really an issue, more an open discussion. I was wondering if dolfinx_mpc could be used to handle hanging nodes? It…