![Capture d’écran de 2020-11-25 14-30-31](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66435395/100234110-e3170280-2f2a-11eb-916c-6cf23930980c.png)
tried killing enemy with horseman, failed (-54), tri…
Make sure to include detailed information about node-horseman's version currently being used along with other dependencies such as phantomJS etc.
so far scrapper modules depends on
- node-horseman v1…
I want to parse blogun.ru. I login:
var Horseman = require('node-horseman');
var horseman = new Horseman();
.userAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT …
@minhchu has reported a bug they are facing where an `Unhandled rejection Error: Failed to load url` is thrown. This is similar to #180 however the case is not due to SlimerJS in which #180 is specifi…
Without proxy options in new Horseman, script is working great.
But when I run this script I get this error: "Unhandled rejection Error: Failed to GET url: http://www.check2ip.com".
When I tu…
- Set up redirects on 91stmeridian.iwp.uiowa.edu using the portion of the old URL after /91st/. (e.g. `vol1-num2/a-horsemans-son-and-a-bad-girl` for https://iwp.uiowa.edu/91st/vol1-num2/a-horsemans-so…
`0|app | Unhandled rejection Error: jQuery injection failed
0|app | at /var/www/html/node/node_modules/node-horseman/lib/index.js:313:18
0|app | at PassThroughHandlerContext.f…
PhantomJS does not support some features that websites expect it to. It would be nice for horseman to have built-in support for polyfilling these features.
Here is a way I came up with for polyfillin…
Is there any way to download from **Wikipedia** and **Wikimedia** domains?
Unsuccessfully, my commands:
$ gallery-dl https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:1st_Horseman_of_the_Apocalypse
Hi, trying to stop horseman chain if it receives an alert:
horseman.on('alert', function(msg) {
return horseman.close()
But it's still trying to complete chain till …