Design Doc を書いていくに向けての第一歩として、あまり慌てない感じで名前を考えていきませんか。
一つの観点として、human-optimized あるいは human-centered という特徴があるように思います。
また、このプロジェクトがベースとしている技術は storytelling と呼ばれていると理解しています。…
Thanks for all interests in our project. To make it more clearer, we illustrate differences with previous works as following.
(1) Compared to Dreambooth, Textual Inverison, LoRA, etc., we are tunin…
## To which section does your requested content belong?
Choose one of the following (it's ok to select multiple, or to say you're not sure!):
- Software and code
## What content would you l…
## What Happened
Hitting 404s for HIG docs from prominent places (including first-party pages).
## Expected Behavior
Get redirected from `https://elementary.io/docs/human-interface-guidelines…
- [ ] [LLM-Agents-Papers/README.md at main · AGI-Edgerunners/LLM-Agents-Papers](https://github.com/AGI-Edgerunners/LLM-Agents-Papers/blob/main/README.md?plain=1)
# LLM-Agents-Papers
## :writing_hand…
- Maak inzichtelijk met behulp van schetsen het verschil tussen gewaarwording / perceptie & cognitie. Doe dit aan de hand van concrete voorbeelden.
- Bespreek met je team wat moet worden verstaan onde…
I was reviewing the [research questions](https://github.com/Erioldoesdesign/Design_HOSS_PhD/blob/main/RESEARCH-QUESTIONS-2021.md) for this work, and I was intrigued by Q3:
> "What human rights cent…
Book chapters:
S. Chari, D. Gruen, O. Seneviratne, D. L. McGuinness, "Foundations of Explainable Knowledge-Enabled Systems". In: Ilaria Tiddi, Freddy Lecue, Pascal Hitzler (eds.), Knowledge Graphs …
大家對這篇文章有什麼看法, 歡迎來討論
Write enough for the OpenCongress case study to get it into a shareable state
There were some words in #3 as a starting point. We also need to gather images/media from the project.
Local url: `localh…