**Describe the behavior you would like added to mBuild**
While our unit tests have good coverage in terms of number of lines of source code and basic usages, there has been very little exploration of…
#4771 for vectorized OLS
current Results.t_test is vectorized
some tests, e.g. in proportions, are already vectorized
mainly an idea,
The work will be to go through the hypothesis test and make…
Hello, Markus Siemens & TinyDB team!
I ran a Pylint analysis on the TinyDB codebase, and I identified some areas where code quality could be improved. Below is a summary of the findings, of the cod…
FAILED array_api_tests/test_linalg.py::test_eigh - hypothesis.errors.FailedHealthCheck: It looks like your strategy is filtering out a lot of data. Health check found 50 filtered examples but only 9 g…
### User Story
As a…
I need/want/expect to…
So that…
### Value / Purpose
_No response_
### Useful Contacts
_No response_
### User Types
_No response_
### Hypothesis
If we... [do a thing]
Tests using the `recursive` strategy shrink very slowly. For example, this test
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
@given(st.recursive(st.dictionaries(st.integers(0, 255), st.…
To run fakeredis test_hypothesis.py tests follow the fakeredis yml file
**Sensitivity analysis.** Before presenting the hypothesis test result, display the minimum effect size that might have appropriate power with the given sample size.
**Retrospective interval analys…
## User Story
As a Modernisation Platform Engineer
I expect to have unit tests in place for the modernisation-platform-terraform-member-vpc module
So that we can catch potential errors in code.
@nosferican mentioned this in #121 also on [discourse](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/likelihood-ratio-test/38217)...
I coded up some classical hypothesis tests (HT).
I need help w/ the score te…