Just wondering if you implemented it and if it is stable enough to use...
I was thinking to apply drag, from thw wikipedia drag equation , then push the fluid away from the normals of the immersed t…
I'm just wondering if this solver is possible for modification to include heat tranfer equation (energy equation) ? Is there any source of literatures or papers where this HFDIB based on ? thank…
**The lead/team names**
Space Intimacy-Maureen Eibeler
**Number of others involved in the delivery (students, staff, industry, community groups or other Tate Exchange associates etc)**
MA IDC + s…
Cut cells use piecewise linear representations of bathymetry (as opposed to full or partial cells which use piecewise constant ones).
Here’s a tentative work plan for implementing cut cells:
1. …
In https://github.com/JuliaDiffEq/PDERoadmap/issues/4#issuecomment-412350446 , @dlfivefifty brings up the following PDE: `B*u= c` and `u_t = L*u + f` where `B` is a boundary operator, `L` is a linear…
Is there currently a way to extract a boundary mesh from a given Mesh object (similar to the `BoundaryMesh` functionality in FEniCS)? In the best case this would also be possible for the boundary of a…
Hi Paulakash
I was looking at the Luma directory and saw your issue regarding the prescribed motion.
I wanted to simulate a flexible filament while in pitching motion. I can see you have already …
Computing the Laplacian on `ImmersedBoundaryGrid` using different methods give different results. Here's a MWE:
julia> using Oceananigans
julia> using Oceananigans.Operators: ∇²ᶜᶜᶜ, ∂²…
The attached case has four meshes each 1 m on a side. At the center of each mesh is a wall made of two GEOM such that there is a gap across the entire width near the mid height. The x+ boundary has an…