The performance I implemented of nerfdet_res50_2x_low_res is **52.4**, but nerfdet_res50_2x_low_res_depth_sp is **49.58**. In the paper, the performance of nerfdet_res50_2x_low_res is **52.0**, but ne…
Dear author,
I have a question about your implementation of SUN RGB-D on [mmdetection3d](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/tree/1.0/configs/imvoxelnet).
Why does gt_bboxes_3d only has 6…
Dear author,
Thank you very much for sharing code. I encountered a problem in doing visualization. After I run ```python tools/test.py configs/imvoxelnet/imvoxelnet_scannet_fast.py checkpoints/imvo…
Hi author,
I found that the nerfdet results reported in your paper (table 1 and table 2) are inconsistent with any existing papers. How did you get these results?
I wish to run inference on my own dataset. I do not have bounding box labels for any of the objects in the image. However, I do have the camera intrinsics and the Rt matrix. From my understa…
Thank you very much for sharing code! I follow the instruction to create environment:
pytorch 1.8 + cu11.1
But, when I run ```CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVI…
I used the command as follow:
srun -p Ai4sci_3D --gres gpu:1 bash tools/dist_train.sh configs/imvoxelnet/imvoxelnet_kitti.py 1
But I meet some problem:
(imvoxel) [nanuey@SH-IDC1-10-140-24-3…
I am a rookie of 3d perception. Recently I start to be a reseacher in this field.
Can you tell me how you project the 2d feature to 3d volume? I can't understand, it is a ill-posed problem, isn't i…
Hi, I have question about the installation, you mentioned "replacing open-mmlab/mmdetection3d with saic-vul/imvoxelnet", what does this mean? Should we first install mmdetection3d? Or just install sai…