indentLine seems to be interfering somehow with my latex syntax.
The issue occurs with text surrounded in `textit{}` blocks.
With indentLine enabled, the `textit{ }` is removed and only the text wi…
I was very confused why setting this in `options.lua` doesn't work:
local options = {
colorcolumn = "80",
Turns out it was overwritten by this line here that was a hack…
Munzu updated
2 years ago
I'll start by saying thanks a lot for the plugin, I use it all the time and I love it!
That said, I also use [vim-notes](https://github.com/xolox/vim-notes) all the time. If the user `has("conceal")`…
Here is a CSS font that I made by
Using indentLine is very nice, however some markdown characters like `` ` `` are concealed, is there a way to not have those characters concealed? I know the documentation says that `indentLine-concea…
The README states that this plugin uses the value "inc" for the `concealcursor` setting by default:
Supertab is awesome, but I lost my literal , which makes me uncomfortable, I tried 'g:SuperTabNoCompleteAfter', but it doesn't work.
Is it caused by my environment ?
my os is OSX 10.11.3, and vim ve…
See LightTable/LightTable#548 for the original issue. The original comment:
> So currently, if I configure LT to insert spaces rather than tabs, what happens when I try to delete the spaces is that I…
I use the [base16-vim](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-vim/blob/master/colors/base16-railscasts.vim) railscasts theme. It defines a color for the `Conceal` group, which overrides the highlighti…
If you make a link using markdown syntax, the conceal feature does not unconceal the actual markdown for the link when you're in insert mode inside the link text. This makes it difficult to edit a lin…