I try this code:
let userData = await Instagram.getUserDataByUsername('cristiano');
let followers = await Instagram.getUserFollowers(userData.graphql.user.id);
Uw toewijding om kinderen te beschermen tegen schadelijke inhoud en uw toewijding aan uw geloof zijn echt lovenswaardig. Het is van cruciaal belang om het probleem aan te pakken van ongepaste inhoud d…
Can you help me please 🙏
[+] This technique consists of following/unfolling celebgrams [+] It can increase your followers up to about +30 in 1 hour
[+] Press Ctrl + C to stop
insfollow.sh: li…
I'm following the instructions on the gitpage and when I try to use this method:
``` javascript
user_followers(userId, function(...){})
The "users" array is always empty. My instagram account ha…
Hi, it doesn't login to Instagram, although my username and password are correct it returns that:
Instabot v0.1 started at: 29.05.2020 21:24
Instabot v0.1 will remove at most 500 followers
User: th…
**Describe the bug**
gets a consist status 201
from instagrapi import Client
import time
client = Client()
def fetch_user_info(client, user_id_to_fetch):
max_retries = 3
const Instagram = require('instagram-web-api')
const { username, password } = process.env
const client = new Instagram({ username, password })
const findUser = async () => {
const fo…
const Instagram = require("instagram-web-api");
const FileCookieStore = require('tough-cookie-filestore2')
const cookieStore = new FileCookieStore('./cookies.json')
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**Describe the bug**
followers = await cl.user_followers(cl.user_id)
when using the above function im getting the below err…
when the community accepts the project, we hope to created new website and application