IPTV channels from mana2 now requires `auth_key` and `token` to be passed as URL parameters. E.g.
Running on Windows 10, using Python 3.8.2. Trying to use on iptv-org.github.io m3us, but to no avail.
C:\Users\Coloradohusky\Downloads\IPTV>iptv-filter -i https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/languag…
Hello, thank you so much for this great amazing downloader ! 🥇
I know the integration of yt-dlp is already very complex and complicated but I would like to suggest my discoveries of new download en…
Provati e testati , ora funzionano nell app tivimate 5.1.0 fire tv stick max 2 gen,
si dovrebbe estrarre da questo file e aggiungerli nella lista Tundrak.
#EXTM3U x-tvg-url="http://www.epg-gui…
hi @Roshan-R ,
i think we can't add new features to `termv` in it current form, without a whole rewrite.
for now, `termv` act as a terminal client for [iptv-org](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv)…
⚠️ *Please try the last beta version and check existing issues before issuing a bug.* ⚠️
### Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is:
### To Reproduce
Steps to repr…
I'm trying to download Dracula from iPlayer, but the highest resolution youtube-dl is showing me is 720p. Sorry if it's something that should be easy to do, I'm new to this and have previously used ge…
### 香港&台灣
* TVB直播源 http://pullhls6.inke.cn/live/1531562688461441/playlist.m3u8
* 阳光卫视 https://stream.isuntv.com/680k/mid_video_index.m3u8
* 香港电台31 http://rthklive1-lh.akamaihd.net/i/rthk31_1@…
tvbox 直播显示:频道列表为空。
用浏览器试了,https://mirror.ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joevess/IPTV/main/iptv.m3u8 可以访问。
tvbox 使用的版本:https://github.com/o0HalfLife0o/TVBoxOSC/releases/download/202401…
All regional senders have tvg-name="WDR HD" and tvg-id="WDRFernsehen.de". That's a problem if you want to use epg.
> #EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="WDR HD" tvg-id="WDRFernsehen.de" group-title="Regional" tvg…