I am trying to compile the IR example using an ESP8266-01 and Bose (NEC) codes. I get the following error:
Arduino\libraries\Arduino-IRremote\IRremote.cpp:21:27: fatal error: avr/interrupt.h: No s…
### Input C/C++ Header
Since the header file generated has 15000+ lines, I won't copy it here, you can find the repository [Arduino-IRremote](https://github.com/Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote)…
### The problem
When using a newer Magiquest wand the wand_id and magnitude values returned are random / not correct as the protocol has been updated to include a checksum. wand_id should be static …
La libreria [IRremote](http://z3t0.github.io/Arduino-IRremote/) funziona bene se usata assieme a sengali **PWM** che pilotano motori o intensità luminosa di LEDs?
How can I get this working in EspHome/Homeassistant?
Great job! It works perfectly!
Do you know if you can communicate with IR using the IRremote library?
For this, I would need the corresponding hexadecimal code.
So I could call it this way:
In a small project, I would like to receive an IR Signal from a TV Remote (=> I'm using the IRremote library https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote here) - and trigger a 433MHz switch in ord…
Does anyone still have a setup that compiles and cares to share the libraries and tools with version numbers?
This is what I tried:
Arduino IDE - 2.3.2
ESP32 - 2.0.4 / 2.0.5 / 3.0.4
I have a copy of the repo in `/home/mithat/Build/Arduino-Makefile/Arduino.mk`.
I have a test project in `/home/mithat/Arduino/mk-sudar-test/`.
The following project makefile succeeds in compiling:
I'm struggling to find a way to make ATTiny85 receive IR code signals.
About half year ago I managed to receive and send IR codes.
Cannot find out what is changed in library code in this pe…