Related to #3877 and #3867
Currently OTel does not control how traces/meters are enabled. It's usually controlled by users who install an instrumentation library (standalone or via distro) and some…
https://*.domain1.com -- domains ending with domain1.com
https://*.domain1.com:[8080,8081] -- domains ending with domain1.com on port 8080 or port 8081
https://*.domain1.com:[*] -- domains endi…
> Makes this a polyglot project, which has its trade-offs, but I'd sure be happy.
> Out of curiosity, what does this mean, if anything, for the prospects of a full Kotlin rewrite? I know some of …
Possible syntax
module std::foo;
// Creates a sub module std::foo::bar in which hello() is placed.
fn void bar::hello()
lerno updated
1 month ago
#### Proposed title of article
Working with JSP Standard Action
#### Proposed article introduction
Standard action elements are tags that may be inserted in a JSP page and are substitut…
### Issue
My team and I started using this very good package in our CI.
We found out that multiline comments in javascript files (probably all languages recognizing this kind of comments `/** */`) a…
# CDM Technology Architecture Working Group Minutes
Meeting Host: Chris Rayner, ISLA
## Date
November 14th, 2023 - 9 am EST / 2 pm GMT
## Untracked attendees
- Fullname, Affiliation, (optiona…
### Project Name
ProactiveOS: AI-Driven Autonomous OS Management
### Description
ProactiveOS is an advanced AI-driven operating system management solution designed to enhance system st…
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 (Community Edition) with intellij-dlanguage.
Can I view .d file extensions in project file view?
Is it merely the usual reason (time/money), or have you, to some extent, lost confidence in the ideas?
I think many of the 625 people who starred this project, including myself, would be grateful to…