Future release will enable users to deal with data sources which will include JPA entities. Right now Hibernate and JPA dependencies are included to support JPA entities as part of the business proces…
[wa08-Testing JPA entities with Spring Boot.pdf](https://github.com/Enrico-git/WA2-EGLR/files/6403102/wa08-Testing.JPA.entities.with.Spring.Boot.p…
It seems there is an issue mapping many to many relation like:
public class Item {
@ManyToMany(targetEntity = Category.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = {CascadeType.REFRESH…
Suppose I have:
type Class record { string name; }
type Student record { Class class; int name; }
And assume that multiple Student records values refer the same Class. (I need to mode…
Currently, JPA-annotated entities need to be built before jOOQ's `JPADatabase` can access them. It might be possible to hook into the annotation processing phase of the compiler to emit jOOQ generated…
### Expected Behavior
_No response_
### Actual Behaviour
_No response_
### Steps To Reproduce
- Create an app with Kotlin, Maven, and feature `hibernate-jpa`:
`mn create-app com.example.demo --b…
Create a Login Feature that uses MySQL Database, Spring Security, and JWT for Authentication.
We are now going to do away with the hardcoded feature.
**Check out the following materials:**
- …
Hi there
I'm evaluating whether I can use spring-content to store our entity-related blobs on a file system (we use Spring Data JPA to persist our entities).
As far as I can see, it seems to be th…
### What components are related to the issue?
Other (specify in text)
### Which FDP are you using?
My local instance
### Version
```plain text