### Name
### Screenshots
(Following conversation with @kaplun and @jacquerie to formalize the requirements.)
An important part of the work of cataloguers is adding affiliation identifiers (`ICN`s) for authors based on the …
It sometimes happens that the simulated network is rejected by BIC, in favor of the best tree inferred by raxml-ng. What should we do with these datasets?
A) Include them in our experiments, wastin…
Why do trees with (unrooted) RF-distance of zero have non-zero Dendroscope distances? Does it have to do with the rooting somehow?
See screenshot from a results.csv file, used (in different setting…
Currently, the user has to first run:
mptp --tree_file my_tree --output_file file_that_will_not_be_written_but_nevertheless_is_required_to_give --minbr_auto my_fasta_file
Then the user will get an …
I tried using the multi-rate method on my tree using mcmc. After the analysis, the I found that multiple nodes in the output tree have support values for speciation >0.9, yet those nodes haven'…
We are going to simulate our networks under the birth-hybridization process of Zhang et al 2018.
In this process, we have a speciation rate l (lambda), a hybridisation rate v (nu) and the time we run…
For all experiments, we will have (unless mentioned otherwise):
- number of MSA sites = 1000 * (number of displayed trees)
- perfect sampling: sites are sampled proportionally to the displayed tree …
CLV of a node ->Weighted average of CLVs from different cases. See picture.
![Unbenanntes Notizbuch (22)-5](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1059869/116607452-4bcb3680-a932-11eb-8d29-a4d89c7…