### 入选标准
* 网站 / App
* 如果是 Github 库, README 或顶部描述里,要附上网站或 App Store 地址,不能是纯粹针对开发者的工具,如果包含了针对开发者的工具,那就太多了。所以只允许针对普通用户的网站/App 列在表里
### 不收录的东西
* 开发者工具(Github 本质上就是个开发者工具大集合,收录开发者工具这个表会爆炸的)
* 社区类网站(…
There's any reason that would explain the increase launch time of neovim when using this plugin?
My usual start time is around 30ms (with mason+lsp+cmp). If I use the default configuration in this…
### Problem description
The ":LspInstall java" seemed successful. And I followed the tips in the [Enabling a language server](https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/LunarVim/wiki/Enabling-a-languag…
## Description
So I installed jupyterlab-lsp following the directions. I verified it seems like all three parts were installed,
jupytelab-lsp server extension
I have a short question regarding the capabilities of the language servers:
Which feature is needed to be able to use the [Document Symbol Request](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-…
| | |
|Previous ID | SR-4253 |
|Radar | rdar://problem/31150464 |
|Original Repor…
I have installed Codeface ver. 1.3.4 (20) on Mac OS Ventura 13.0.1 plus the LSPService
There is no (and there will be no) Xcode installation.
LSPService, installed according to instructions, seem…
(use-package! lsp-sourcekit
:when (featurep! +lsp)
:after swift-mode
:init (add-hook 'swift-mode-local-vars-hook #'lsp!)
(setq lsp-sourcekit-executa…
Warning `M-3 is undefined`, while other config is just fine.
(use-package lsp-bridge
:after (yasnippet)
;; :bind
:hook (prog-mode . lsp-bridge-mode)
Here is my hx --health output:
(base) ➜ johnboccio@johnboccio-desktop ~/Git/LearningRust hx --health
Config file: /home/johnboccio/.config/helix/config.toml
Language file: default
Log file:…