I've just given this project a spin and noticed that some examples work (e.g. button & thermometer) while others fail with the error below. I just had a quick look and I've seen that the parent…
Hi! I build a midi controller using Your great library. Everything works except matrix keyboard.
Electrically everything is correct, columns are 5V pulled up by internal resistors, rows are connected…
is pretty detailed but does not mention anything on where to get help/ask questions.
Then people due stupid things like opening an…
I'd like a diode component - needed to create a matrix (rows and columns) of pushbuttons, where more than one button can be active at the same time.
(I'm using the keypad matrix for now, but I nee…
I can't get the LED matrix writer to work with my Nuimo. Also the dots.py demo code isn't displaying anything
After debugging the Nuimo code, I found that _matrix_writer.led_matrix_characteristic i…
Hey , I use your LEDText library and would like to be a scrolling over 4 [Adafruit WS2812 8x8 LED Pixel Matrix](https://www.adafruit.com/products/1487) matrices running, each has driven its own pin . …
Hello! Do you have the assembly instructions for your LED Matrix illumination system? We currently set it up using an Arduino, but would like to simplify the electrical connection. Perhaps it could be…
We have a simple traffic light controller FSM example, which we use when introducing the topic in our course (see [support_slides_week7.zip](https://github.com/logisim-evolution/logisim-evolution/file…
Instead of displaying a test image the screen just flickers, tried to connect in different ways-to no avail also raises doubts HUB75 pins. What could be the problem? Do these panels fit at all?
## Goal
Determine the minimum required hardware and schematic to build a functioning Tetris game prototype, preferably using majority pre-owned components. This stage should consider how these compon…