In case the Bot is unable to perform any essential action, it nice to have a notification via Telegram to a bot admin.
Essential actions are:
- Unable to load/parse shows/series/etc. from the Lost…
На станционарном компе получил сообщение о отсутствии поддержки for linux/x86:
.kodi/addons/plugin.video.lostfilm.tv-master/resources/lib/support/torrent/stream/t2h_stream.py", line 122, in play
Внешне выглядит так, словно выбранная серия просто не запускает проигрыватель. Молча не сморгнув и диалогом.
Ошибка же многочисленная и повторяется при загрузке всего каталога серий данного сериала:
Список пополняется от канкурэнтов: https://github.com/ElizarovEugene/TorrentMonitor/issues/5
Когда-нибудь будут реализованы от нечего делать, либо если появятся желающие.
- https://www.archlinux.org…
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LostFilm again changed their side and adding to favs requires new variable session number. I have to understand from where and how that number cames so i could include in request. This is not simple h…
your script not working anymore 10:38:24.456 T:10876 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error
Hi, I have always only first season first series playing, doesn't matter which series i start. Anybody seen this behavior?
Jackett C# Indexers as of https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/commit/d47efa9add1ef53839d00a132e898a3bf14acfa1
- [X] Abnormal - Added as YML, its a scraper: https://github.com/Prowlarr/Indexers/commi…