Dear students,
A very warm welcome to CS2113/T.
The module website is hosted [here](https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs2113) and will be the prime source of information, both subject matter and deliv…
From the screenshot, a valid URL is given from the luminus gradebook page; however, the link is flagged as an invalid link. Perhaps the link might be inaccessible to people without luminus accounts, b…
I've pushed a Luminus playground app to Heroku and have enabled SSL using
````heroku ps:type hobby````
I'd now like to force SSL which [needs to be done at the application level](https://help.h…
When using `cprop` as part of the `luminus` framework, there is a config.edn for each environment: dev, test, and prod. The files generated by `luminus` are mostly empty, and the developer can add set…
Hi not sure if its just me but as i just started watching Recitation 8 but Prof Henry is using Recitation 09-extra PDF but i cant find it on luminus
When creating a new luminus app with the following command:
`lein new luminus my-app +reitit +re-frame +shadow-cljs +postgres`
And running
`lein uberjar`
The compilation fails:
After following [this step](https://luminusweb.com/docs/guestbook#adding_some_tests) of the guestbook guide, I get the following when running `lein test`.
$ lein test
2020-07-14 20:42:51,454 …
For example, while using with REST APIs (Luminus), for POST request all fields validated as defined in validation schema, but for PUT request, only fields present in request body validated using same …
I've run into an issue where on 2nd+ work spaces, the overview animation will occasionally not play. It happens at random, and works correctly 50% of the time.
Using the `+cucumber` flag adds `clj-webdriver to the user's new Luminus project.` But the [clj-webdriver](https://github.com/semperos/clj-webdriver) library has been unmaintained since 2015. Would yo…