for backend of queue will be great since they don't need extra deployment of the backend itself while i…
Hi, several high vulnerabilities CVE-2021-28918,CVE-2021-29418 are introduced in ts-mailgun via:
● ts-mailgun@0.5.1 ➔ mailgun-js@0.22.0 ➔ proxy-agent@3.1.1 ➔ pac-proxy-agent@3.0.1 ➔ pac-resolver@3.…
Currently I am having problems setting up Mailgun with Sandstorm. I've tried using smtp://mailer%40xxxxxx.com:password@smtp.mailgun.org. I also set the relay port to 25 and the username to "mailer@xxx…
I am using laravel-mailbox on laravel 8 with mailgun driver. I only need to simply forward the email message. The setup works fine and successfully forwards the email as expected when using `mailgun s…
Usuario: cberjony@hotmail.com
Password: S1stemas19
I checked that for development purpose **userme** is using http://mailslurper.com/. But in a production scenario there could be options to use with Mailgun, Sendgrid, etc.
How about adding Mailgun su…
It looks like this has a key that's hard-coded:
Was that intentional for de…
Sorry for poor English.
Larvel has Mail::send() and Mail::queue functions. I used queue in my project and now I want to use Bogardo/Mailgun. How can I use queue for future processing?
### Describe the bug with a clear and concise description of what the bug is.
If SMTP is configured using a SSL port, emails will not be sent, and any attempts to use the `/api/v1/admin/email/test` e…