Hi, thnaks for your sharing.
When i run the code in matlab2016a with matconvnet beta25, there is always an error:
error using vl_argparse…
I converted PyTorch model to MatConvNet successfully, however I can't use it. Because the structure of the converted model is different from the pertained model in MatConvNet model zoo. Could you pl…
cudnnR4 doesn't choose the optimal algorithm in the fully-connected mode, even with cudnn.benchmark = true, which results in ~20x slower backward pass compared to MatConvNet.
When I run `hr_res101('train')` on MATLAB, I get the following error:
ans =
Trying to initialize …
I'm really confused why i got this warning
could not find expected audio file at /home/affcgroup/MatConvNet/matconvnet-1.0-beta25/data/ramdisk/voxceleb_all/Aamir_Khan, did you download VoxCeleb?
I just have try to run the example:
python neural_artistic_style.py --subject images/tuebingen.jpg --style images/starry_night.jpg
and I get the error:
CUDArray: CUDA back-end not av…
Densenet https://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.06993.pdf has been proved efficient. here i got some trouble implementing it in matconvnet.
as shown in the paper, the feature maps of all preceding layers are…
Anyone has implemented siamese network using matconvnet?
Verdaldi says that trick is paring images and using vl_nnpdist.
However, where can we calculate the contrastive loss with their labels?
I am not sure how to resolve the problem.
vl_compilenn: CUDA: MEX config file: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\toolbox\distcomp\gpu\extern\src\mex\win64\mex_CUDA_win64.xml'
vl_compilenn: \* Compile…