### Initial request
Apply WMO codes for Tianmu-1 Meteorological Sounding Constellation: Satellite Instrument | Satellite Identifier in this website. https://codes.ecmwf.int/odb/satelliteidentifier/ …
I was attempting to extract Fc output using SUEWS.
I got 0.0 value for the entire time series.
I am using a Polygon grid with basic meteorological data of
1. Wind
2. RH
3. Td
4. …
### Initial request
For the encoding of Opera and Nimbus radar data in GRIB2, this proposal suggests adding additional code table entries to describe the data quality index and the radar data quali…
sebvi updated
2 weeks ago
### Contact Details
### Dataset description
This study presents a novel ensemble of surface ozone (O3) generated by the LEarning Surface Ozone (LESO) framework. The aim of t…
**Use case 5: Aggregate to same time resolution, convert data to have same unit**
Make code to aggregate different time series to same resolution and converts data to same unit (ex. ug/m3 and ppb). …
### Your name
runbin zhang
### Your affiliation
lanzhou university
### Please provide a clear and concise description of your question or discussion topic.
Hello everyone,
I would like to add …
### Name and Institution (Required)
Name: Yi Wang
Institution: China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
### Confirm you have reviewed the following documentation
- [x] [Contributing guidelines…
Reference: https://github.com/uw-echospace/batmo/blob/main/Notebooks/BATMO-Meteorological-Data.ipynb
@FXF48-Mila : since 2022 data is now "frozen", I think you could just make a script/notebook tha…
Summary issue to provide overview of progress in each pipeline. Based on [DART dataset summarization](https://unioxfordnexus.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/EngineeringScience-DART/Shared%20Documents/Gener…
Dear author:
I want to train a meteorological type dataset, I don't know how to use RAFT to train my own dataset, do I need to make the optical flow groudtruth of my dataset?