Short description of current behavior
The goal of this issue is to develop a new Ruby SDK for Minds.
Steps 🕵️♂️ 🕵️♀️
You can familiarize yourself with [Minds](https://mindsdb.com/).
Review the…
## Task
Implement a function to list all models in JavaScript SDK.
Follow similar pattern as in the [Python SDK](https://github.com/mindsdb/minds_python_sdk).
## Deliverables
Create a PR t…
## Task
Implement a function to list ML engines in JavaScript SDK.
Follow similar pattern as in the [Python SDK](https://github.com/mindsdb/minds_python_sdk).
## Deliverables
Create a PR t…
## Task
Implement a function to create a project in JavaScript SDK.
Follow similar pattern as in the [Python SDK](https://github.com/mindsdb/minds_python_sdk).
## Deliverables
Create a PR …
### Short description of current behavior
The goal of this issue is to develop a new JavaScript SDK for Minds.
## Steps :male_detective: :female_detective:
- You can familiarize yourself w…
### Short description of current behavior
The goal of this issue is to develop a new Golang SDK for Minds.
## Steps :male_detective: :female_detective:
- You can familiarize yourself with …
## Short description of current behavior
The goal of this issue is to develop a new Dart SDK for Minds.
## Steps 🕵️♂️ 🕵️♀️
- You can familiarize yourself with [Minds](https://mindsdb.com/).…
### Short description of current behavior
The goal of this issue is to build a new handler to integrate Box with MindsDB.
## Resources :bulb:
:checkered_flag: To get started, please refer to…
### Short description of current behavior
Per the docs, `model.predict` can use as input a dataframe or a query:
- https://mindsdb.github.io/mindsdb_python_sdk/model.html#mindsdb_sdk.models.Model.p…
### Short description of current behavior
### Video or screenshots
_No response_
### Expected behavior
_No response_
### How to reproduce the error
> 024-10-07 06:21:28,873 http…