在测试mongoDB 数据读取时,使用参数 where 不起效果,在MongoDB reader 文档中也没看到where 参数。是否还不支持?
Need to identify methods that can reduce this.
- Index the timeDiff field
- parallelize reads from MongDB to append
Logging compressed image as:
$ rosrun mongodb_log mongodb_log.py /left/image_raw/compressed
Adding topic /left/image_raw/compressed
DETECTED compressed image topic /left/image_raw/compressed, usi…
mongock gets triggered in a test without any problem when performing a fully fledged spring boot test e.g.
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
Use "rosrun mongdb_store mongodb_server.py"
And errors below:
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1458208619.863728] Mongo process error! Exit code=100
It looks like Mongo already died. Watch out as the DB might nee…
In the mongDB lat long were reversed.
However, this has now been fixed in the mongoDB database, so the app has to reflect this
**Issue description**
**Target framework**
- [ x ] .NET Core 5.0
dotnet --info output or About VS info
.NET SDK (反映任何 global.json):
Version: 5.0.403
get_field( = Bin, _, _, _) ->
erlang:error(unknown_bson_tag, []).
There is not Tag = 19 , so crash ...
i find the reason : DE…
Any thoughts about requiring only an [`@Id` annotation](http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/commons/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/annotation/Id.html) (like in Spring Data MongDB support) ins…