In IE11 the Vue multiselect is behaving differently compare to other browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge).
In Firefox, Chrome & Edge you can click in the whole box to give the element focus.
In IE11…
Issue https://github.com/monterail/vuelidate/issues/66 stated otherwise, but I don't understand why sameAs should imply required, it is known bad practice for any other validator.
Moreover, it is m…
Hi, I installed 0.1.4 using bower, and get an error saying that pasvaz.bindonce is required. In `build/angular-mighty-datepicker.js`, its required:
angular.module("mightyDatepicker", ["pasvaz.…
Hi, I've been customizing my monterail (full-dark) and I can't seem to find how to change the highlight background colour of menus. It stays light grey when I would like it to be orange (the gnome can…
This issue might be related: https://github.com/monterail/vuelidate/issues/380
I encountered an issue in which the original data does not update anymore when changed via v-model in an input field. …
If url has a hyphen (-) it is considered as an invalid by built-in url checker. For instance:
http://bib.api-endpoints:8080 is considered as false but http://nordix.fi is acceptable
Thank you for the great package.
I am getting some issues.
I am unable to get the service method spans in Datadog.
No tracing with following configs
Vuelidate currently uses a switch block based on `process.env` to pick a standalone 'browser' or packaged module implementation for params: