Subclasue 12.5 has new text. It is intended to clarify the use of MCE in Digital Signature XML Signature parts.
> 12.5 Digital Signature Markup
> 12.5.1 General
> The content of a Digital Signat…
use 9810 get office 2003 rc4 key
use 9820 get the password.
but can't use the password open the doc.
test file as attach
correct password is :^99998888~!
Is RSA-SHA1 an example or is it the only supported algorithm for OPC? Unclear from the wording...
Would like the ability to operate on documents that have been password protected (open password). Have had many documents lately that are sent encrypted along with the password (no password recovery …
Would it be possible to add functionality to provide a password to password protected word docs? I noticed this is possible to be passed for zip archives. I don't know if the title of this window coul…
We have a government Excel spreadsheet that is not recognised by Droid.
The file is:
and we have a cached copy linked from here: