!python trackv9.py --source /content/MOT_WITH_YOLOV9_STRONG_SORT/yolov9/data/images/horses.jpg --conf-thres 0.5 --device 0 --yolo-weights yolov9-t-converted.pt
2024-06-18 11:21:23.910302: E …
1- Can we train OSNet model for two classes i.e Person and Car? If yes then How to train on two datasets? I want to train on person and vehicle ReID datasets like MSMT17 and VeRi.
2- If …
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4) must match the size of tensor b (32) at non-singleton dimension 1
发现是在这一步出现问题:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/…
what data set did you train the model on the driver? it is MSMT17, is this right?. I want to use this model but there is an error '../../imagenet_models/resnet50-19c8e357.pth'.
thank you!
Is there a code for dataset split for market1501 and msmt17?
or should I make the code using market_sct.txt and msmt_sct.txt?
Hi thanks for the great work.
I ran the pipeline in jetson xavier NX with deepstream 6.1.1. the results are weird like for every frame there are 8-10 persons but reid generated only for 3-4 persons. …
I want to apply reranking for the MSMT17 dataset but the algorithm consumes too much memory space. Is there a way to consume less memory by achieving similar results? I have limited resources availabl…
I used the same hyperparameters setting for DukeMTMC and MSMT17 as the setting in Market1501 training config file. And I used the pretrained Resnet model from https://kaiyangzhou.github.io/deep-…
Hi. I have a custom person reid model that is currently not available in this torchreid library. I want to perform cross dataset validation on that custom-designed model. The model is originally train…