I am never sure whether to `open Asai.Range` or not. On one hand, it contains functions and types that it would be convenient to be able to refer to unqualified, like `located` and `locate`. But on …
The following definitions will result in both an Enum and a Struct named `AaBb`:
"Aa": {
"properties": {
"bb": {
"anyOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/AaBb"
There is a problem that the name of types and structs defined in 'reactor-uc` might collide with user names. I think the only solution to this is to prepend something to our reactor-uc types and basi…
I would like to understand the naming convention in more detail.
W.r.t. "_Alphanumeri…
How to handle leading and trailing blanks inside key names?
`" param " : "value"`
`DotDict({' param ': 'value'})`
I have doubts that it makes sense to allow this.
The naming convention tells: Key names have to start with a letter, digit or underscore.
Therefore this name is invalid:
`"$A" : 1`
`'Invalid key name: "$A". Key names have to star…
Just had a small doubt! I came across this in .../datasets/ksdd2.py and I think they have been typed in wro…
How about rename csvjudge.py to csveval.py
The naming convention tells: Key names have to start with a letter, digit or underscore.
But nevertheless the following JSON code throws an error:
`"𠼭param" : "value"`
`'Invalid ke…
Sorry, I know bikeshedding is painful, but it's really awkward that "the ``" and "the selected ``" are different things, even though they sound the same verbally.
Try saying "the `` contains a clon…