We would like to have a feature in Neatline Exhibit (pop-ups on the timeline) which could zoom out to a larger version of the images in the exhibit like the images at http://images.library.amnh.org/d…
During a recent server migration, I lost three Neatline Exhibits. Advice from the Omeka forum directed me to reveal error reporting, and then to report the error to you for help.
On the Neatline h…
see also: https://forum.omeka.org/t/neatline-duplicate-function-problems/9115
User reports that clicking the Duplicate button on an exhibit on the Neatline Exhibits Browse screen results in ~100 co…
As a Neatline for Omeka S user, I want to create and view an exhibit within the scope of a particular Site in my Omeka S instance.
Question for team: do we support associating a single Neatline exh…
Hello Folks,
Apologies if this is the wrong location to requests assistance.
We are running Omeka 1.5 with Neatline 1.0.1 and Neatline Maps 1.0.0
Huge learning curve but we have a AWS Ubuntu build g…
- Leaflet.js (Google map, lots of other layers, via plugins)
- Mapbox.js, Mapbox GL.js: OSM (newer, not as mature -- direct tile access)
- OpenLayers 3 (no built-in google support, b/c no direct til…
add the following to the dev site for experiment and test:
- [ ] Item Order Plugin: http://omeka.org/add-ons/plugins/item-order/
- [x] Commenting: http://omeka.org/codex/Plugins/Commenting (uses resea…
For all our Neatline widgets/plugins, we have a 3-step process to actually use them:
1. Upload the Neatline widget/plugin to the Omeka plugins directory and activate it in the Omeka Admin panel, like …