thanks for offering the software,
I followed the installation instructions but VS can't find my expecto tests,
It Ok that it is not working,
but it would be helpul to have the re…
1. 文件上传一定要登录授权才能使用,可不可以不用登录就能上传文件;
2. 多文件上传生成表失败,我使用最新的NetCore2.2=>WTM 2.4.5的版本,COPY了文件里面多文件上传的DMEO,直接无法生成数据库失败。[UploadMulti](https://wtmdoc.walkingtec.cn/#/UI/UploadMulti)
.NET Core 2.0 with **EFCore 2.0** was just released 2 days ago.
I am now trying to switch app from 1.1 to 2.0.
I have created .NetCore2.0 app WebAPI that is targeting full .NetFramework 4.6.1
netcore2.1 引用csrediscore3.6.2版本
redis异常:【r-bp153cb6bc443ba4pd.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379/44】状态不可用,等待后台检查程序恢复方可使用。Connect to server timeout","DateTime":"2020-07-0…
I have a netcore2.0 project
I run the following command to generate a package:
.paket\paket pack nugets --version 1.0.0
I g…
I run tests in netcore2.2 (with nlog logger) via `dotnet vstest` command and sometimes test run can just freeze after 700+ tests are finished (1st screenshot is from the dump of such frozen process). …
System.TypeLoadException: Method 'get_Info' in type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle.Infrastructure.Internal.OracleOptionsExtension' from assembly 'Citms.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle, Version=1.1.0…
Since `.NET Core 2.0` has reached End of life, we should look to update to `.Net core 2.1` which has `LTS`?
At the same time we can look to update…
Bom dia, brother quando baixei o projeto deu problema de referencia do PDFClown, então adicionei ele via nuget, https://www.nuget.org/packages/PDFClown.NET/, rodei os testes e passaram normalmente, ac…