TL;DR: when you get hot, you run slowly. And it's a bit hard to predict when you get hot enough...
Now the long version: In the last few days we were confused by fluctuations we observe in running ex…
It looks weird, can you change it back plox?
There are spurious rumors that this either already is possible or will be possible soon with the nVidia drivers, by using EGL, but it is unclear exactly how (the Kronos EGL headers still seem to indic…
I've created an nimbix instance with U250 card and 2018_3 firmware. How can I run an sample ?
Today in Nimbix development server, we met an ERROR reported by OCSE:
ERROR: Unexpected 0x30 from client on socket 0x06
Its happening has some randomness, I mean, on a different m…
hello @keryell
this is a naive question: for someone who would like to try using SYCL on an FPGA target, at least reproduce the work you did last year (as mentionned in your SC2017 slides), would …
Mentions preview, Nimbix,... Needs review. Also might just remove it as these are now preferred to be on the pattern page only.
Output of `helm version`:
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.0.0", GitCommit:"e29ce2a54e96cd02ccfce88bee4f58bb6e2a28b6", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.4"}
Output of `kubectl version`:
When running g++ cpu_cholesky.cpp test.cpp matrixUtility.hpp -std=c++0x -O3 -o test
./test -M 16 -N 16 -seed 12
I get a Segmentation Fault
To run this https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-AI/tree/master/alveo example in the nimbix i have give to github repo for dockerfile and json file.
So which repo i can use?