Hi Ashley, sorry! found another issue has Nissan done something to their login, get these errors in the log.
2021-10-05 17:24:37,053 - 768 - pycarwings2.pycarwings2 - DEBUG - invoking carwings API:…
Jeg driver å hjelper en kollega med å få ladet en leaf via flowen du har laget. Vi sliter litt med å få til flowen. Vi har fått autentisert easee laderoboten. Vi har fulgt oppskriften i README …
At the moment rusEFI does not support Nissan 360 CAS for multiple reasons
Ive just bought a 40kwh battery for my e-nv200 and following what Glyn Hudson has done to upgrade his van.
Followed your video on programming the 2 port canbridge with the ST Link V2 programmer.…
# Nissan sucks sometimes
Utterly awful design of certain components
I'm getting an error when i try to install this integration: "no_unconfigured_devices"
Any tips?
Did an extensive search in the homepage, twitter accounts and in the repository here, and didn't see any requests or questions regarding EVNotify supporting NISSAN LEAFs. So I thought I'd ask. Since t…
looks like rusEFI build-in CAN sniffer would need to be improved