_RemoteTraceback Traceback (most recent call last)
I am getting…
Take the Karate graph example. If you check the input `snap/examples/node2vec/graph/karate.edgelist`, there are 34 vertices, numbered 1 - 34. Now check the output, `snap/examples/node2vec/emb/karate.e…
node2vec的论文地址:node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks
!python node2vec/src/main.py --input diseasome.edgelist --output diseasome.emb --dimensions 32 --num-walks 20 --iter 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "node2vec/src/main.py", line 15, i…
I have a question about the "walkLength"
OK, this file "Node2vec.scala"
My …
nwasd updated
5 years ago
After fit the Graph to generate node embedding, I achieve this status, and wait for so long, nothing happened then. The code is still running
Computing transition probabilities: 100%|██████████████…
Hello there,
what is the correct way to separate training from inference?
Is this correct?
I run the training first, save the embeddings.
Then I load a new graph and do the most similar?
Professor Su:
The work is very interesting(https://academic.oup.com/bib/article/25/1/bbad474/7494752#433139754), and the code and data is provided by the site. However, the "from Drug_target_Luo.no…